The Edo State Police Command has launched an investigation into the death of Kaduna Eboigbodin, a former Chairman of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), who passed away at a police checkpoint on Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City. The tragic incident occurred on Monday while Eboigbodin was traveling with his wife.
According to sources, police officers at the checkpoint stopped Eboigbodin and requested his vehicle documents. Although he reportedly provided the necessary papers, discrepancies in the records led to a dispute. The officers allegedly accused him of operating a stolen vehicle and instructed him to follow them to their station.
Eboigbodin refused to comply, demanding clarification about the alleged offense. Witnesses say the disagreement escalated into a heated argument, during which Eboigbodin suddenly collapsed. His wife rushed him to a hospital, but he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Eyewitness accounts indicate that the police officers fled the scene following the incident. This has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from members of the public and civil society groups.
Reacting to the incident, Moses Yamu, spokesperson for the Edo State Police Command, confirmed that the Commissioner of Police, Umoru Ozigi, has ordered an immediate and thorough investigation. Yamu shared the commissioner’s statement:
“The CP noted the cordial working relationship existing between the Police, Civil Society Organisations, NLC, and all critical stakeholders in the state and has, therefore, directed the immediate investigation into the incident. The Command remains committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice prevails in every situation.”