Renowned Fuji musician King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, famously known as K1 De Ultimate, has lost his mother, Alhaja Halima Anifowoshe. The sad news was made public on Saturday morning through K1’s official media platform.
A heartfelt message shared alongside a photo of K1 and his late mother read, “With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of King Wasiu Ayinde’s beloved mother. May her soul rest in peace, Alhaja Alimotu Shadiya Omoakeredolu Aya Anifowoshe. Iya rere. Sun re oo.”
Alhaja Halima Anifowoshe, fondly remembered by many as a caring and supportive figure in K1’s life, played a significant role in his journey to becoming one of Nigeria’s most celebrated Fuji artists.