Five key town kingmakers from Oyo, led by the Basorun of Oyo, High Chief Yusuf Ayoola, have issued a 30-day ultimatum to Governor Seyi Makinde. They are demanding that he reverse his appointment of Akeem Owoade as the new Alaafin of Oyo.
The kingmakers, along with their preferred candidate, Prince Lukman Gbadegesin, have made it clear that they will take legal action if the governor fails to act within the given timeframe.
The controversy surrounding the appointment stems from disagreements over the selection process. The kingmakers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the governor’s decision to appoint Owoade, who they believe was not the rightful candidate.
According to them, Prince Lukman Gbadegesin was the legitimate choice for the position of Alaafin, and they feel that his selection was unfairly overlooked. The kingmakers also raised concerns about accusations of bribery that have been linked to the selection process.
They have accused the governor of making defamatory remarks about their conduct and have warned him to cease such statements.
The kingmakers stand by the legality and fairness of their selection process, asserting that the appointment of Gbadegesin was in line with the traditions and customs of the Oyomesi, the council of kingmakers in Oyo.
They have called on Governor Makinde to provide evidence in court to support his allegations of corruption or bribery. They insist that the governor has overstepped his authority by making the appointment, as the responsibility for selecting the Alaafin lies solely with the Oyomesi.
Adding to the legal challenges, Prince Gbadegesin’s legal representative, Kunle Sobaloju (SAN), has pointed out that the governor’s reliance on an Ifa consultation during the selection process violated a previous court ruling.
Sobaloju argued that such consultations are not part of the 1961 Alaafin Chieftaincy Declaration and therefore should not have been considered in making the appointment.
The kingmakers and their candidate have made it clear that they are prepared to seek legal redress if the governor does not respond to their demands.