The Anambra State Police Command has apprehended two individuals accused of killing their brother and burying him in a shallow grave within their family compound in Oko, Orumba North Local Government Area.
State Commissioner of Police, Nnaghe Itam, detailed the grim case during a press briefing in Awka. The deceased, Chibuzor Okeke, had been accused of theft and burglary by his brother, Chidiebere Okeke, and cousin, Emebo Ogochukwu.
According to the Commissioner, the suspects subjected Chibuzor to a brutal beating, which left him unconscious. Despite being rushed to the hospital, doctors pronounced him dead.
The CP said: “We have suspects who murdered their brother and buried him in a shallow grave in a compound at Oko. The deceased, Chibuzor Okeke, was accused of burglary and stealing.
“His brother, Chidiebere Okeke and his cousin, Emebo Ogochukwu, caught him and beat him to a stupor. As a result, Chibuzor became unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where the doctor confirmed him dead.
“The two suspects, in order to cover up for the incident, dug a shallow grave in their compound and buried Chibuzor.”