Laolu Akande, a former presidential spokesperson and seasoned journalist, has reignited hope among Nigerians with his firm assurance that the nation’s challenges can and will be overcome.
Speaking on his widely followed platform, Inside Sources, Akande delivered a powerful message of optimism, urging citizens to focus on their collective potential rather than the shortcomings of politicians.
“Don’t mind the politicians, ladies and gentlemen, we will change Nigeria!” Akande declared in a tweet that has since garnered widespread attention. He echoed Obama’s famous words: “In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”
Akande expressed optimism about the numerous Nigerians already contributing to the nation’s progress. “There are just so many Nigerians already shaping the future of this great country. We will get there!” he affirmed.
This vision of a triumphant Nigeria has been a recurring theme in Akande’s commentary, particularly on his platform, Inside Sources. During the program’s final edition of 2024, Akande reiterated his belief that “Nigeria will prevail” despite its challenges.
Reflecting on his optimism, he explained, “IT means Nigeria will win. In My Take for the last edition of the year 2024 earlier this evening, I explained why I believe that so much.” Akande’s consistent message has been a source of inspiration to many Nigerians who are weary of political mismanagement yet hopeful for a better future.
On Christmas day, the veteran journalist tweeted, “What we celebrate today is the birth of JESUS CHRIST, the son of the living God. The record of his life, death & resurrection are settled historical facts. Every living soul owes it to his or herself to DILIGENTLY consider the purpose of his life & what that means to each and every one. Merry Christmas, love, and greetings to everyone!”
He also had a tweet promoting scholarship for university students. He tweeted “Here is a scholarship for university students. It might be helpful to someone out there. There would be four winners to be picked & supported with N250k each. See details below.”