Human rights activist and publisher, Omoyele Sowore, appeared at the Force Intelligence Department Headquarters in Abuja on Monday for questioning by the police. He arrived at 9:58 a.m. following an official invitation regarding allegations linked to a viral video he had shared online. The video reportedly accused police officers at a Lagos checkpoint of extortion.
The police summons listed a range of allegations against Sowore, including resisting and obstructing public officers, disobedience to lawful orders, cyberstalking, and actions allegedly aimed at hindering arrests.
A letter from the Force Intelligence Department detailed the accusations, stating, “This office is investigating a case of resisting and obstructing public officers, disobedience to lawful orders, acts intended to cause grievous harm or prevent arrest, compelling action by intimidation, reckless and negligent acts, refusal to assist public servants, and cyberstalking, in which your name featured prominently.”
In response to the summons, the Take It Back Movement, a group associated with Sowore, organized an online campaign calling for a protest. The group shared a flier on social media urging supporters to demonstrate against alleged police misconduct.
The flier, which gained widespread attention on X (formerly Twitter), displayed images of Sowore and the Inspector General of Police side by side, with the bold message “Occupy Force Headquarters” in red text.
By Monday morning, security around the Force Headquarters had intensified, with armed police officers in anti-riot gear barricading roads leading to the complex. This heightened security was viewed as a preemptive measure to manage any potential unrest from the planned protest.
At the time of this report, Sowore remained inside the Force Intelligence Department for his scheduled meeting with police officials.