Security Forces Clash with Hunger Protesters In Abuja, Defy Court Order

Security forces in Abuja forcibly dispersed a group of hunger protesters gathered in front of the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, defying a court order that permitted the demonstration within the stadium premises.

The protesters, who were advocating for their right to freedom of assembly and speaking out against hunger and economic hardships, were met with tear gas and aggressive tactics by the security personnel. The sudden and forceful crackdown left many demonstrators feeling frustrated and disheartened.

“We just wanted to make our voices heard, but they wouldn’t let us,” said Evelyn, a protester present at the scene. “It’s like they’re trying to silence us, but we won’t be quiet.”

Another protester, Tunde Oyedele, expressed similar sentiments. “We’re not troublemakers; we just want change. But every time we try to speak out, they shut us down. It’s like our voices don’t matter.”

A Vanguard correspondent, who clearly identified himself as a journalist, was also denied entry to the stadium by security personnel. They told him, “Find your way out of here. You can’t park your vehicle inside the stadium either. There is no protest here. We were told there is not going to be a protest here anymore.”

This action directly contradicted the court order, raising significant questions about the authority and actions of the security forces. The ongoing situation has brought to light serious concerns about the suppression of free speech and the enforcement of the rule of law in Nigeria.

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