Armed bandits launched a violent attack on Nasarawa Gabas, a village in the Dunkawa region of Sabon Birni Local Government Area in Sokoto State. The incident, which occurred late Friday night, has left residents terrified and uncertain about their safety.
Eyewitnesses recounted that the attackers, armed with rifles, raided homes and demanded food supplies and other valuables. Residents were forced to surrender their belongings under threat, leaving them without essential resources.
A local source told DAILYPOST, “The bandits went from house to house, taking bags of food and other supplies.”
In a disturbing twist, reports suggest that the same group of bandits spent the night in the nearby community of Idi before or after the attack. This has heightened fears among residents in surrounding areas, who now worry about the possibility of additional assaults.
The situation in Sabon Birni Local Government Area has been tense for some time, with repeated attacks by armed groups. The people of Nasarawa Gabas are now appealing for urgent action to protect their community.
One resident, who asked not to be named, said, “We live in fear every day, not knowing when they will strike again.”
Zagazola Makama, a counter-terrorism expert with extensive knowledge of the Lake Chad region, also weighed in on the matter. He highlighted the growing insecurity in rural communities and the urgent need for better strategies to tackle these recurring attacks.